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A Message From our Chairman

Back in the late 60's an adventurous core of stalwarts set off from Solihull, in a members Land Rover, to camp at the head of the Langdale Valley, in the Heart of the Lake District.


Snow was on the ground, but the determined band conquered Harrison Stickle, under a cold clear blue sky.


That evening there was a distinct need for warmth and liquid refreshment and a beeline for Hawkshead was to change our lives forever.


The Queen's Head provided all that was needed. In a room at the Inn, was found a famous mole catchers oversize boot.



Haaksid's Girt Clog



It was from this relic of a bye gone age that the club took it's name and it was the start of a yearly pilgimage that has lasted to the present day.


The club is now as famous as the 'old clog', in the local area.


Membership is by invitation only, but our hope is that where we have led, others will follow and experience the long lasting friendship and camaraderie, set amongst some of the most breath taking scenery in all the world.












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